Current Parents
April 18, 2023 2024-01-11 16:14Current Parents
Information is set out on this page to support you as a school parent. We encourage parents to take the time to familiarise themselves with the info. provided and to take value from the resources shared on the website.
To help parents support their own children’s education, we have developed a new resource called Literacy for Life.
Special Education
We have a dedicated Special Education team in the school. We support students with additional needs in both mainstream and special class environments.
If you would like to speak with us on this topic in relation to your own child, you will be more than welcome to do so. Begin the conversation with your child’s classroom teacher. An information booklet on dyslexia is available here.
Garda Vetting
Parents need to be Garda vetted when undertaking ongoing, formal or paid work in the school. If you are asked to apply for Garda vetting, use the form available below. Instructions on how to complete the form are included. At the end of the process, your vetting disclosure will be emailed to you. You can share that document with us by email or by printing it.
Keep up to date
The school will keep parents informed through the School Newsletter, Social Media and through direct communication. We recommend parents follow the school on social media and read the newsletter so that you can be best informed about your child’s school life.

If you would like to find out more about important aspects of school life, visit our Policies page.
Comprehensive and up-to-date information is provided in relation to many areas; from Child Protection to School Tours and from Communications to Critical Incidents.
There is a range of supports available for parents in relation to Irish. Duolingo is very popular as a learning aid and Irish classes are also popular. There is also a special website for parents in gaelscoileanna,
We ask parents to use whatever Gaeilge they have, something which adds greatly to the school spirit.
Naíonra / Pre-school
‘Réiltíní’ provide two services to families in our school; a Naíonra/Pre-school (ECCE) and out of school hours childcare. If you would like more information about these services, you can contact the Service Director, Rosie, at or 086 1589972

Parents Association
Each parent/guardian is a member of the school’s Parents Association, Cairde Ghaelscoil na Mí. In the Autumn, they hold an A.G.M. where the Coiste/Committee is elected. Cairde Ghaelscoil na Mí works in harmony with the school staff and the Board of Management to add to school life in many different ways.
Their work is based on four main aims:
- To foster partnership and cooperation between Parents, Teachers and the Board of Management to ensure the continued education and development of the child at school.
- To represent the views of parents within the school and of outside bodies, e.g. National Parents Council.
- To inform parents of developments in the school and on educational changes which may affect the children.
- To support the school, organising events that support the school in social and financial ways.
This is a great way for parents to support the development of the school and to get to know other parents. Our school would not be able to carry on without the assistance and financial support of this group of parents who give most generously of their time and resources. For their continued support and loyalty, we thank them.

Inspector Report
The latest Inspector Report (Whole School Evaluation, 2019) is available via this link.
The below links bring you to websites with helpful information in different areas: